Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Thing...

Is living in my basement. Take a close look. It is camping out right above my washer and dryer. Since Aaron is too chicken to kill it (I am too), I guess it will stay. So today when I was doing my laundry I was doing the whole reach in the washer with one arm and keeping both eyes on the 8 legged freak. At first I thought it was a daddy long leg but now I don't think it is. EEEWWW. I am so scared of spiders.
Rylee had a dress up session last night.
And she made Daddy join too.
This is just a funny one I had to share.

And this is how I caught Rylee yesterday after her nap. My baby can't be growing up that fast :(


  1. Aw she's so adorable!!!

    I would definitely smash that spider with my shoe! I can't stand them!

  2. courtney she is so cute and growing up fast. she will be dressing herself to go to preschool. that will be a crying day for you lol get some bug spray and spray it that way it will keep other bugs away love ya nana

  3. oh my...buggies scare better step on that thing!!

    i'm so glad you git 7th in the i heart faces contest! that pic is so cute!

  4. your little one is so precious!
    thanks for stopping by my blog...
    have a great day

  5. She is so precious! She is growing up FAST!! Looks like it's time for Rylee a big girl bed ;)

  6. I have done that move many times...I hate spiders...they are so sneaky!

    Rylee is such a cute little girl. The pictures are great!
