Yesterday at 4:53 p.m. an earthquake hit Haiti, a 7.0. It rocked everything there. The prime minister estimates around 100,000 dead. I just heard on the news that rescue workers are piling bodies in the streets as they find them. My heart really goes out to everyone there. That is such a horrible tragedy.
Click here to read a full article on
The New York Times website.
Onto my other topic...
I am very proud to report that in the past 127 days I have gained 4 pounds!! I know you're thinking why 127 days? Well...I have not been on the Wii Fit in 127 days and that was the last day I weighed in on there. So when I got on there last night I was super happy that my underweight status went up just a smidge. See I am trying to gain weight. And NO I am not one of those annoying girls that are like "Oh my gosh, like I'm so skinny I need to gain weight, like for real." I want to gain weight because:
1.) I would like to donate blood again so I can get extra time at work
2.) I would like to wear regular jeans and not have to search high and low to find some that fit my waist
3.) I want to build more muscles
4.) I'm tired of people asking me if I'm anorexic
And 5.) I just want to gain weight, simple as that!
Luckily I have my mother's genes and lost all my baby weight after I had Rylee, but I mean dang can't I keep some?!?! Oh well. Probably another contributing factor to my weight loss is that after high school I stopped playing volleyball and working out so I lost my muscle tone. So I'm going to start playing volleyball again and gain my muscle back.
Sorry no picturs were involved in this post!!
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